Green Growth Asia Foundation


Eco-Schools Seminar

The Eco-School Seminar was conducted to initiate ecoactivities among teachers, providing first-hand information on expectations, benefits and the criteria to be certified as an Eco-School. GGAF briefed the teachers on the process, benefits and methodology of eco-schools certification. The teachers who participated in this seminar were exposed to green initiatives in Melaka and the role of schools in reducing carbon footprint. This seminar series produced 120 eco-coordinators from among teachers in Melaka.

MPHTJ Eco-Schools Award

SMK Bukit Baru Melaka was awarded the Community Award – Special Category for the consistent and constant engagement in environmental activities. An active member of the Eco-Schools programme, SMK Bukit Baru received the award from Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Utama Ir. Hj. Idris bin Hj/ Haron at the event held at Philea Resort & Spa, Melaka. GGAF is confident that more local authorities will work closely with us to raise community awareness on the environment with the participation of more schools.

Eco-Schools Roadshow

A total of 314 Deputy Principals attended the Eco-Schools Roadshow organized by GGAF in partnership with the Melaka State Education Department. The state-wide campaign introduced teachers to the concepts of sustainable living, impart awareness on the Eco-Schools Program and encourage the participants to enrol into the program. As a result of this roadshow, 87 new schools registered to join the Eco-Schools program.

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