Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

Eco-Schools Summit Melaka2019

The Eco-Schools Summit Melaka was conducted on 16th & 17th July with the purpose of providing a platform for schools to work towards achieving Eco-Schools awards and also address bigger sustainability issues within their environment. GGAF collaborated with the Eco-Schools Melaka Committee in partnership with UPEN Melaka to organise the summit. The summit presented engaging educational sessions, showcased scientific studies, ran hands-on workshops and talks from contemporary Eco-Schools experts, granting students an enriched learning environment. Students learned vital skills to create a positive change in their local community, and now are keen to know more, engage and work more on resolving serious environmental issues in the future. A total of 21 schools and 454 persons attended the summit.

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