Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

GGAF Climate Ready Classroom Programme & Workshop

In an effort to empower Malaysia’s youth to act on climate change issues within their own schools and communities, GGAF (Eco-Schools Programme) collaborated with the Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council to conduct the Climate Ready Classroom Workshop. The workshop was held on 10th and 11th February 2020 for both primary and secondary schools at Dewan Seri Bendahara, Melaka while the programme was launched on the 12th of February.

The student participants gained knowledge on climate change, carbon emissions and footprint. Potential impacts on health and sustainable of the environment and inhabitants. They were taught to calculate carbon emissions, retrieve financial data and analyse the data to determine the progress in reducing carbon footprint.

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