Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

Melaka Eco-schools Launch & Mou Signing Ceremony Between GGAF & wwf-malaysia

In line with making Melaka a green technology state by 2020, and Melaka’s effort to create a path towards sustainable urban growth, the former Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Utama Ir. Haji Idris bin Haron launched the Eco-Schools Melaka Programme at Seri Negeri Melaka Hall in July 2017. The state government embarked on the Eco-Schools 2017 Programme to raise awareness on the
importance of protecting the environment among the youth. The programme aspires to involve 314 primary and secondary schools in Melaka and is carried out in stages in cooperation with GGAF, WWF-Malaysia and the Melaka Education Department. The launch was attended by 400 teachers, 120 students, 300 headmasters and 90 government officials, and provided a common ground for relevant stakeholders to share their experiences and aspirations.

At this event, GGAF and WWF-Malaysia signed a MoU to forge a stronger and more formal partnership, whereby both the organisations pledge to collaborate on all relevant areas of common interest related environmental education. As a result, GGAF was appointed as distinguished partner to provide technical assistance, capacity building and training assistance towards implementing the Eco-Schools Programme in Melaka.

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