Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

Our Pathways

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ESG Across Our Pathways

The integration of ESG principles into GGAF’s strategic pathways reflects a commitment to holistic corporate responsibility, employee engagement and climate advocacy. GGAF’s collaborative model seeks synergy between corporate funders, the government, the community and itself, presenting a win-win proposition for partners, beneficiaries, and national sustainability targets. The foundation’s initiatives actively contribute to Malaysia’s net-zero goals and broader global targets, exemplifying a proactive approach to environmental stewardship and social impact.
The ESG principles are embedded into our four strategic pathways with the following general fulfilment:

Our Pathways

Greening Education For a Sustainable Future

The Foundation believes that Climate Change and Environmental Education (CCEE) is key to progress, a tool to affect meaningful changes in the hearts, minds and souls of our future generations. By aligning our aspirations with the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership (GEP) with a National Education Philosophy, we are confident in our ability to educate and empower a generation of influential advocates for sustainable living through Individual Climate Actions.

Green Talent For a Sustainable Future

A crucial element, primarily focused on upskilling and reskilling programmes. These initiatives target diverse groups, including school students, undergraduates, unemployed graduates, teachers and private sector employees, offering tailored certifications. The core objective is to equip individuals in multiple areas of sustainability through specialised and adaptive training, nurturing a skilled generation capable of driving meaningful change in their industries.

Green Living For a sustainable Future

Sustainability encapsulates economic growth, environmental care and social well-being; therefore, it concerns us all. The Foundation remains committed to advocating for the whole-of-community approach in adapting and mitigating climate change. Together, through our individual and collective climate actions, we can embrace green living and enhance our quality of life.

Partnership For a Sustainable Future

Everyone has a stake in realising a sustainable future, but ironically, only some are willing to act. Therefore, in the spirit of unity and cooperation, the Foundation extends its arms to foster intergenerational and inter-level partnerships – developing a support ecosystem to empower the incubation of ideas and solutions, geared towards achieving our collective goals.
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