Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

Turtle Camp For School Students & Teachers

GGAF started this camp in March and several more times throughout the year based on requests from schools. This 2 day 1 night camp and day trip aims to introduce Melaka Hawksbill turtles to the Eco-Schools Programme students and teachers in Melaka. It was designed to provide exposure to school-children in Melaka on their natural heritage, the conservation effort, increase awareness and infuse a protector role towards these endangered marine animals. Comprising brainstorming sessions, discussions in turtle conservation, the participants were exposed to the issues of plastic pollution and its devastating impact on turtles.

The participants were also taken to watch turtles nesting, and helped in releasing hatchlings under the guidance of facilitators from the Turtle Information Centre, Pengkalan Balak, Melaka.

Throughout the year, 140 students and 16 teachers from six schools attended thecamp.

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