Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

1st Eco-Schools Seminar, Melaka

In March, GGAF organised the first Eco-Schools Melaka Seminar. Representatives comprising 86 teachers and 285 students from 73 schools in Melaka attended the seminar. Such an overwhelming response was registered throughout the seminar. The participants were briefed on the benefits and process involved in becoming an Eco-School. The Melaka Eco-Schools Program (MESP) provides advice and guidance to schools in achieving Eco-School status. Schools in this programme learn to reduce water consumption, optimise energy efficiency, minimise waste generation and provide a healthier environment for their students.

GGAF conducted workshops for teachers, students, and essentially all those who are interested in environment education, enabling everyone to effect green changes in their school campus, track and monitor the changes.

The seminar improved participants’ understanding on Eco-Schools Programme and strengthened their commitment to implement the
programme in their respective school.

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