Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

Eco-schools Clinic

The Eco-Schools Clinic is part of an on-going effort organised by GGAF to ensure that teachers and students understand the objectives, methods and implementation of Eco-School process. This is done by engaging students and teachers to play an active role in Eco-Schools programmes by simulating the Eco-Schools project in the training session.

Together with our partners, the local councils and Melaka Green Technology Corporation, GGAF organised a series of training workshops in different districts of Melaka. Beginning with an introduction to certification standards, requirements, and online applications, the sessions also provided insight into current trends in environmental education and eco-campaigns. A total of 243 students and teachers participated in this clinic, with the major parts of the workshop focused on hands-on training and presentations, with the teachers gaining knowledge on its implementation. As a result, students better understood how to implement the project at school, while teachers learned to empower their students to taking lead in planning and executing the projects.

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