Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

The Back 2 Nature – Turtle Camp Programme 2019

GGAF partnered with WWF-Malaysia and the Department of Fisheries to conduct The Back 2 Nature – Turtle Camp Programme 2019, that was held in various stages from February to June at the Turtle Conservation and Information Centre of Padang Kemunting and Padang Kemunting beach. Throughout the camp, 300 individuals, 304 students, 33 teachers from 15 primary and secondary schools participated. They were exposed to sea turtle conservation efforts in Melaka focusing on the endangered hawksbill turtle species that come to nest along the beach. The participants learned the effects of plastic pollution on turtles and marine ecosystems, and became more aware of the usage of environmental friendly products and public littering issues. Students
became interested in conservation and aspired to pursue marine biology and conservation looking into the health of marine ecosystem and marine debris management. The camp also featured Turtle Talk Session by WWF-Malaysia staff enriching the participants knowledge on the issues faced by sea turtles around the world. Participants visited the Turtle Pond to observe adult hawksbill and green turtles in rehabilitation. Finally, to commemorate their experience, students performed a poem recital during the Turtle Appreciation session.

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