Green Growth Asia Foundation

2nd Eco-Campus International Conference 18-20 September 2025 Click here

YRE Lifelong Experience At The Datai Langkawi

In July 2020, two young reporters chosen from GGAF’s National Young Reporters for Education Malaysia programme, were given the opportunity to spend three days at the world-renown The Datai Langkawi (TDL). Accompanied by Mr Arnaud Girodon, General Manager TDL and Executive Administrator, Board of Trustees, The Dati Pleedge, as well as Mr Johan, Director of Human Resources of TDL, the pair were able to learn about TDL’s overall sustainability initiatives and obtained in-depth knowledge of the Datai Pledge. Through YRE, various programmes have been implemented, visiting TDL being one of the highlights. The young reporters produced engaging videos and learning materials from their viewpoints through this lifelong impactful experience. The Datai Pledge upholds four Pillars, namely Pure for the Future, Wildlife for the Future, Fish for the Future and Youth for the Future. It is in the Youth pillar that this opportunity is linked to.

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