Green Growth Asia Foundation

Author name: GGAFwc092023

Majlis Perasmian Eco-Schools Malaysia & GEP Roadmap 2030

Malaysia negara kedua di dunia menggariskan pelan hala tuju strategik untuk menyokong Perkongsian Pendidikan Hijau UNESCO. TEMERLOH, 6 NOVEMBER 2023— Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah dan KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah binti Al-Marhum Al-Mutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj berkenan merasmikan Majlis Perasmian Eco-Schools Malaysia & GEP Roadmap 2030 di Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi (SBPI) Temerloh, di sini, pada pagi ini. Seri Paduka berdua tiba pada pukul 11:00 pagi sambil diiringi Menteri Besar Pahang, YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Wan Rosdy bin Wan Ismail; Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, YB Puan Lim Hui Ying dan Pengarah Eksekutif Green Growth Asia Foundation, Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Mahadi Mohamad, ke pameran bertemakan Eco-Schools sebelum berangkat ke dataran utama.  Seri Paduka Baginda dalam Titah Perasmiannya menyatakan kegusaran baginda mengenai isu mitigasi dan adaptasi perubahan iklim yang kini melanda dunia, khususnya terhadap nasib generasi pewaris. Baginda bertitah bahawa “Program Eco-Schools merupakan suatu inisiatif yang baik kerana ia mencorak masa hadapan yang mampan, membuka ruang penerokaan pembangunan kerjaya lestari, metodologi pelaksanaan, dan kejuruteraan semula mental yang menjurus kepada perubahan tingkah laku positif.” Baginda turut bertitah agar generasi muda diberi peluang dan ruang yang sewajarnya untuk mempersiapkan diri bagi mendepani cabaran pendidikan dan iklim mendatang “…adalah penting bagi pihak berwajib untuk menyediakan ekosistem sokongan yang meraikan perbezaan pendapat untuk melentur pemimpin yang berwibawa, berketerampilan dan berdaya maju demi merealisasikan wawasan negara.” Sebelum menyempurnakan majlis, baginda menzahirkan hasrat “…agar segala matlamat serta objektif yang terkandung dalam dokumen UN GEP2030  Malaysia Roadmap tersebut dapat dicapai menjelang tahun 2030”, “saya yakin bahawa kebitaraan Malaysia dalam mengoperasikan agenda pembangunan mampan akan terus menyerlah dan diperluas.”   Dalam majlis yang sama, Seri Paduka Baginda berkenan untuk mengurniakan watikah program-Eco-Schools kepada wakil Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, simbolik memperkukuh dan mengiktiraf peranan pendidikan dalam memangkin perubahan paradigma sejagat dalam mendepani cabaran pendidikan dan iklim semasa.  Terdahulu, dalam Ucapan Sembah Menjunjung Kasih oleh YB Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, beliau memperakui bahawa program Eco-Schools yang berpaksikan kemenjadian murid dan penyelesaian jangka panjang berupaya membantu merapatkan jurang cabaran semasa pendidikan negara termasuk Kesaksamaan Pendidikan, Kebajikan Guru, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, dan Murid Berkeperluan Khas, berdasarkan pendekatan holistik dan menyeluruh yang selari dengan hasrat falsafah pendidikan kebangsaan “…menjamin ketersediaan generasi pelapis yang berwibawa dan berkebolehan”.  Malah, prinsip Alam Sekitar, Sosial dan Tadbir Urus (ESG) juga ditekankan dalam ucapan beliau, terutamanya dalam “membentuk tenaga kerja hijau yang mahir serta dinamik” maka “sektor korporat berpeluang untuk melibatkan diri dalam usaha pembinaan negara bangsa melalui pendanaan program Eco-Schools Malaysia”.  Dalam ucapan yang sama, beliau menyatakan sokongan penuh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia bagi memudahcara pelaksanaan program Eco-Schools selaras dengan matlamat Peta Hala Tuju Usaha Sama Penghijauan Pendidikan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu 2030 (UN GEP2030). Majlis ini turut diserikan dengan persembahan Eco Choral Speaking oleh murid SK Desa Bakti, Mentakab yang diperkenan oleh KDYMM Pemangku Raja Pahang Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Ibni Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah selaku Penaung Diraja Eco-Schools Malaysia.  Hadir sama TYT Yeo Seung-Bae, Duta Besar Republik Korea ke Malaysia; Yang Di-Pertua Dewan Negeri Pahang, Datuk Seri Mohd Sharkar Shamsuddin; Presiden Foundation for Environmental Education, Lesley Jones; Pengurusan Tertinggi Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia; Pengarah-Pengarah Pendidikan Negeri, Pengarah-Pengarah Institut Pendidikan Guru, serta rakan sinergi Eco-Schools Malaysia.  Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Launching Eco-Schools Malaysia & GEP Roadmap 2030

Malaysia is at the forefront of supporting the United Nations Greening Education Partnership 2030 by setting the global standard for holistic, integrated, and localised national GEP Roadmap.  TEMERLOH, 6 NOVEMBER 2023— His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong XVI, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah graced the launching ceremony of Eco-Schools Malaysia & GEP Roadmap 2030 at Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi (SBPI) Temerloh, earlier today.  GEP is a United Nations initiative that provides comprehensive and resolute actions to  empower every student with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to address  climate change and promote sustainable development. Based on the holistic approach of  ESD, the GEP has been designed to inspire countries to empower students with the  necessary skills for climate action and inclusive and sustainable economic development  to transition to a digital and green economy.  His Majesty the King arrived around 11:00 am and was greeted by Pahang Chief Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Wan Rosdy bin Wan Ismail; Deputy Minister of Education, YB Puan Lim Hui Ying; President of the Foundation for Environmental Education, Lesley Jones, and Executive Director of the Green Growth Asia Foundation, Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Mahadi Mohamad. The procession was led to the specially curated Eco-Schools-themed exhibition before proceeding to the event square. His Royal Highness, in his officiating address, expressed his grave concern about the climate mitigation and adaptation challenges looming over Malaysia and the world, especially on the wellbeing of future generations. He said that “…the Eco-Schools Programme is a commendable initiative that helps to shape a sustainable future, opens up explorative avenues for future-ready green careers, backed by data-driven methodology, and mental re-engineering, prompting positive behavioural changes.“.  His Royal Highness also urged relevant stakeholders to provide youth with the opportunity and space to grow and furnish themselves adequately in addressing future climate and education scenarios. “It is crucial for us (enablers) to develop a supportive ecosystem that cherishes differing ideas and perspectives to nurture exemplary youth leaders who are unique, innovative and competent in realising our national aspirations.”  As the officiating address concluded, His Royal Highness wished for “every goal and objective listed in the UN GEP2030 Malaysia Roadmap to be achieved by 2030.”, “I am confident that Malaysia will continue to spearhead and amplify the operationalisation of the sustainable development goals.”  It is highly notable to mention that Pahang is the first state in the world to formulate a  Greening Education roadmap. In his address, the Regent of Pahang emphasised the  need for initiatives that empower the youth, especially in Pahang, to lead the green  transition among the communities in the state.  The Malaysia Greening Education Partnership Roadmap 2030 (MYGEP2030) aims to strengthen the  role of education in achieving sustainable development goals and integrating the climate  agenda into the education system in Malaysia through the following pillars. Greening Schools Malaysia will have adopted a green school accreditation scheme with at least 50% schools, colleges, and universities with green accreditation and operating sustainably.  Greening Curriculum All schools under Eco-Schools Malaysia will integrate and enhance climate change education modules in the national curriculum with elements of environmental studies by adopting inquiry-based and project-based learning pedagogies. Greening Teacher Training and Education Systems’ Capacities 100% of all Malaysian schools have master trainers able to train teachers. Greening Communities 100% of communities (selected by state governments or FELDA) will be able to utilise the (1) Eco-Schools, (2) EcoCampus and (3) Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programs to offer learning opportunities for adults outside the formal education system to develop the skills, attitudes, and actions that will foster community resilience to tackle climate change.  In the same event, His Royal Highness was pleased to bestow the Eco-Schools Programme’s letter of appointment to State Education Directors and Directors of Institute of Teacher Education were received by YBHg. Dato’ Indera Nik Nasarudin bin Mohd Zawawi, Secretary-General of the Education Ministry. This honour symbolises the strengthening and acknowledgment of education’s transformative roles in affecting global paradigm change in mitigating and adapting present-day education and climate challenges, in addition to the burgeoning collective social responsibility by formal learning institutions to mobilise it.  Earlier in the event, the Honourable Deputy Minister of Education, in her Welcoming Remarks,  recognised the student-centric Eco-Schools programme as a long-term solution to bridging the contemporary gaps of the national education system, including Equality of Educational Opportunity, Teachers’ Welfare, Teaching, and Learning, and Special Needs Students via a holistic and inclusive approach that aligns with the principles of national education philosophy “…ensuring the steady stream of capable and resilient nation builders (progeniture)”.  Furthermore, the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are also highlighted in her speech, especially in “moulding future dynamic and highly skilled green workforce in the country”; therefore, “the corporate sector is afforded the opportunity to play an active role in nation-building by funding the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme”. Expanding on her speech, she pledged the Ministry of Education Malaysia’s complete support in facilitating the implementation of the Eco-Schools Programme in parallel with the goals of the United Nations Greening Education Partnership Roadmap 2030 (UN GEP2030). This momentous event also featured an exceptional Eco-Choral Speaking performance by students of SK Desa Bakti, Mentakab, personally selected by His Royal Highness The Regent of Pahang Crown Prince of Pahang Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Ibni Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, the Royal Patron of Eco-Schools Malaysia.  Also present was H.E. Yeo Seung-Bae, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Malaysia; Speaker of the Pahang State Legislative Assembly, Datuk Seri Mohd Sharkar Shamsuddin; Chief Executive Officer of the Green Growth Asia Foundation, Dr. Balamurugan Ratha Krishnan; Ministry of Education Malaysia senior leadership team; State Education Directors; Directors of Teacher Training Colleges and synergy partners of Eco-Schools Malaysia.  For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Circular Economy Programme

The Circular Economy Programme was open to 70 students and 10 facilitators, with the collaboration of Toyota Malaysia. Held in two parts, the first part saw Toyota contributing used tyres as a recycled material in the school environment. SK Cheng school garden was the recipient of these tyres that were used as planters. The second part of this programme was a study tour which was integrated with the International Eco-Schools Conference. GGAF took 80 students to the UMW Toyota Motors to attend a session on Waste Management in the Automotive industry. In this tour, the students learned about the new Hybrid Camry vehicle, and waste segregation in the service centre, servicing methods and technologies that UMW Toyota uses. The circular economy educates students on how to move beyond the linear “take-make-dispose’ model of production and consumption to that this is regenerative. By engaging students in circular economy learning, students are equipped with the skills, knowledge and mindset needed to build a system that works for society, economy and the environment.

6th International Eco-schools Conference 2017

The 6th International Eco-Schools Conference was organised by WWFMalaysia together with GGAF from 7 -11 December 2017. A total of 120 students and 30 teachers gathered at the Hotel Riverview, Melaka Sentral to attend the annual conference. The conference allow participants across Malaysia to meet, share and exchange their school’s sustainability initiatives in a conducive environment, to create awareness about waste and its impact on marine life, and to emphasise the importance of working together with various stakeholders, especially local communities to tackle waste management issues. The Eco-Schools Program (ESP) seeks to support participating schools to implement a whole-school approach towards educating student and the public on sustainability and environment conservation. The them for 2017 was “Waste Management and Its Impact on Nature and Biodiversity”.

LCES Programme Launch

Under the Paris Climate Change Agreement 2015, countries agreed to limit the rise in global average temperature well below 2 degrees Celsius by curbing their carbon emissions. Low Carbon Eco-Schools (LCES) was launched in line with the national and regional goals to reduce the GHG emission. Although schools are not involved in formulating the strategise to reduce GHG, they have a potential reach to educate and to make an impact as the programme not only focuses on students but also households by involving parents and community. A total of 64 students and 32 teachers convened at the Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC) for the LCES launch to understand more about the Carbon Inventory Programme. The objective of this programme is to implement significant steps towards eventual climate neutrality that includes the completion of a 2-year emissions inventory.Sixteen schools were identified to implement this project with the collaboration of Hang Tuah Jaya City Council, where students will be guided through a series of workshops, data collection and intervention in order to reduce carbon emission in the council zone.

Training In Food Composting & Vermi-composting

The training in food composting and fermi-composting was held at SMK Bukit Baru attended by 62 students and 21 teachers from 19 schools around Melaka. Trainers from two local organisations, namely SWcorp and MBMB demonstrated how to divert organic waste going to incinerators or landfills and turned into compost. Students learned that composted food wastes can be recirculated in a closed loop system in the vicinity where the food waste was generated. The training was designed to help school community composters full implement the collection and composting of food scraps. Held in the school gardens, the training showed how food waste composting could help in budget savings and prevent resources from being wasted. Participants went home with tools and tops to start a new compost operation at home and advocate for food scrap composting in their communities.

Turtle Camp For Special Kids

Education Classes were treated to an outdoor learning session providing them with an opportunity to learn about the turtle ecosystem. As typical classroom settings are not always the most conducive learning environment for students with autism or special needs, GGAF together with WWF-Malaysia brought them to the Turtle Centre on a day trip. This outdoor learning experience encouraged students to utilise all their senses, introduced them to observe liveturtles before getting them to creatively colour and decorate pictures of the marine animals. At the end of the day, these children special education needs took on challenges and learned life skills without even realising it.

Melaka Eco-schools Launch & Mou Signing Ceremony Between GGAF & wwf-malaysia

In line with making Melaka a green technology state by 2020, and Melaka’s effort to create a path towards sustainable urban growth, the former Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Seri Utama Ir. Haji Idris bin Haron launched the Eco-Schools Melaka Programme at Seri Negeri Melaka Hall in July 2017. The state government embarked on the Eco-Schools 2017 Programme to raise awareness on theimportance of protecting the environment among the youth. The programme aspires to involve 314 primary and secondary schools in Melaka and is carried out in stages in cooperation with GGAF, WWF-Malaysia and the Melaka Education Department. The launch was attended by 400 teachers, 120 students, 300 headmasters and 90 government officials, and provided a common ground for relevant stakeholders to share their experiences and aspirations. At this event, GGAF and WWF-Malaysia signed a MoU to forge a stronger and more formal partnership, whereby both the organisations pledge to collaborate on all relevant areas of common interest related environmental education. As a result, GGAF was appointed as distinguished partner to provide technical assistance, capacity building and training assistance towards implementing the Eco-Schools Programme in Melaka.

Bangka Belitung Governor Visit To Melaka Green Flag Schools

The Low Carbon Eco-Schools (LCS) workshop was organised in A Delegation from Bangka Belitung, Indonesia visited SMK Bukit Baru(A Melaka Green Flag School) to observe, understand and create bilateral engagement between Malaysian and Bangka Belitung schools. The governor of Bangka Belitung, Dr Erzaldi Rosman, together with his Deputy, Education Head met with GGAF Project Director, Mr Sri Themudu and officers from the Melaka State Education Department, as well as SMK Bukit Baru Principal, staff and students during hour-long the visit. Among topics of discussion were creating a network between schools in Malaysia and Indonesia, and the various Eco-School projects undertaken by the school. The delegation’s visit helped to broaden and internationalise the outlook of SMK Bukit Baru’s students and educators, allowing them to impart their experiences and knowledge on Eco-Schools Programme to international delegates.

Media Tour Of Melaka Green Flag Schools

Four media reporters attended the media engagement visit to Green Flag in Melaka. Reporters from Melaka Kini, Sin Chew Hit Poh, The Sun and Sinar Harian went back to school to learn about how Eco-Schools programme was changing the way young students thought about their environment, climate change and what they were doing to save the planet. The one-day affair, in turn gave the students the opportunity to show the media the schools’ green initiatives in supporting UN Sustainable Development Goals. Two Eco-Club team members, namely SMK Bukit Baru and SK Air Baruk involved 50 of their students and 20 teachers to give the media a tour of their rainwater harvesting systems, food composting system, biodiversity corner and urban farming techniques. GGAF partnered with WWF-Malaysia on this event that intended to help raise Green Flag Schools profiles, gain positive comments from the media that make powerful endorsements of Eco-Schools programme and Green Flag Schools, as well as establishing long-term relationships with journalists for future endeavours. The was well-received by the media and subsequently generated more than 20 articles in printed and online media.

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