Green Growth Asia Foundation

Press Release

GGAF and Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd Collaborate to Foster Climate Change Education through Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme

Two schools in Kuantan will participate in Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme with sponsorship from Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd KUANTAN, PAHANG, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), as the national programme coordinator for the Eco-Schools programme in Malaysia, is proud to announce the signing of a Note of Collaboration (NOC) with Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd. The collaboration aims to enhance environmental education and sustainability efforts at two schools in Kuantan through the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme. Eco-Schools, developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a globally recognised initiative that empowers students to actively participate in creating a sustainable and eco-friendly school environment. Under this strategic partnership, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, located in the Gebeng Industrial Estate near Kuantan, is a leading rare earths separation plant, producing Rare Earths Oxide (REO) products for global customers, operating with a commitment to modern safety and environmental standards, will serve as the sponsor for the Eco-Schools programme at SMK Chengal Lempong and SK Beserah, Kuantan. CAPTION: Note of Collaboration (NOC) Signing Ceremony between Green Growth Asia Foundation, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd with SMK Chengal Lempong and SK Beserah from Pahang for the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd is committed to sustainable operations, environmental responsibility and fostering positive community engagement in Kuantan. The collaboration with GGAF underlines Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s dedication to advancing a sustainable future and green technologies. This initiative further enriches the company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) journey, reinforcing the social principle that emphasises positive relationships with communities where the business operates. Siti Hajar binti Jamal,  Green Education Programme Advocate at Green Growth Asia Foundation highlighted the vital role that stakeholders play in sustainable development. “This collaboration will open up opportunities for various projects and initiatives that will help raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation among students, teachers, parents, sponsors and the general public. A concerted step in shaping a future generation that is more caring towards our planet,” she stated. From left: Nadia Waheda Mat Rahim (Guru, SK Beserah), Faizah Tai Abdullah (Teacher, SK Beserah), Siti Hajar Jamal (Eco-Schools Pahang Programme Coordinator, Green Growth Asia Foundation), Md Isa Mihat (Vice President PIBG SK Beserah), Rohayu Syamsudin (Administrative Senior Assistant, SK Beserah), Mimi Afzan Afza (Vice President People’s & Culture, LYNAS Malaysia), Tuan Haji Norhisham Rani (Principal, SMK Chengal Lempong), Ir. Ts. Dr. Norizam Sulaiman (PTA Chairman, SMK Chengal Lempong), Zulhilmi (Senior Assistant Teacher Co-curriculum, SMK Chengal Lempong) The significant signing ceremony celebrated the attendance of school head representatives and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) leaders, who, through their active participation and steadfast commitment to this initiative, underscore their dedication to nurturing a sustainable and environmentally conscious future for our youth. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in fostering environmental education and sustainability awareness among students, as well as promoting community-wide engagement in creating a greener and more sustainable future. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF, FGV Holdings Berhad Meterai NOC Kerjasama Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim Melalui Program Eco-Schools Malaysia

SMK Triang 3 menyertai program Eco-Schools Malaysia dengan tajaan FGV Holdings Berhad BERA, PAHANG, 22 SEPTEMBER 202 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), selaku penyelaras kebangsaan program Eco-Schools di Malaysia, hari ini telah memeterai Nota Kolaborasi (NoC) dengan FGV Holdings Berhad (FGV), dalam usaha mengimplementasi pendidikan alam sekitar dan usaha kelestarian di dua sekolah dari Kuantan melalui program Eco-Schools Malaysia. Program Eco-Schools adalah sebuah inisiatif diiktiraf global dalam memperkasakan pelajar untuk mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam membangunkan persekitaran yang mampan dan mesra alam. Program ini telah dibangunkan oleh Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) yang berpusat di Copenhagen, Denmark.  KETERANGAN: Majlis Pemeteraian Kerjasama Program Eco-Schools Malaysia bersama Green Growth Asia Foundation, FGV Holdings Berhad bersama SMK Triang 3 dari Pahang bagi program Eco-Schools Malaysia Di bawah perkongsian strategik ini, FGV, sebuah syarikat global perniagaan agri dan makanan berpusat di Malaysia dengan operasi di seluruh dunia akan berperanan sebagai penaja untuk program Eco-Schools di SMK Triang 3.  FGV komited kepada tindakan iklim, biodiversiti dan ekonomi kitaran serta memberi sumbangan signifikan kepada pencapaian Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (SDGs). Kerjasama dengan GGAF menekankan komitmen FGV dalam memajukan masa depan yang lestari dan agenda kelestarian keseluruhan. Inisiatif ini turut memperkayakan perjalanan FGV Holdings Berhad dalam aspek Alam Sekitar, Sosial, dan Tadbir Urus (ESG), mengukuhkan prinsip alam sekitar yang bukan sahaja bertujuan untuk memupuk kesedaran, malah hubungan manusia dengan alam bagi generasi-generasi akan datang.  Komitmen FGV terhadap kelestarian mendorong usaha berterusan dengan menjalankan pelbagai inisiatif termasuk memastikan akses kepada pendidikan yang merupakan aspek penting hak kanak-kanak. Fokus ke atas pendidikan kanak-kanak adalah sebahagian daripada tonggak menghormati hak asasi manusia di dalam Rangka Kerja Kelestarian Kumpulan, selain daripada menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan melindungi alam sekitar.  Dato’ Nazrul Mansor, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan FGV, menyatakan bahawa, “Di FGV, kami sedar akan tanggungjawab terhadap masyarakat dan kesejahteraan generasi akan datang. Kami komited untuk memberi keutamaan kepada pendidikan, dengan mengambilkira semua keputusan yang membabitkan masa hadapan mereka. Kami percaya bahawa dengan mewujudkan persekitaran yang selamat dan membina, kita memberi peluang kepada generasi ini untuk menerokai keupayaan dan potensi mereka sekaligus menjadi pemangkin perubahan positif dalam masyarakat.” Siti Hajar binti Jamal, Penyelaras Program Pendidikan Hijau dari Green Growth Asia Foundation, menekankan peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh pihak berkepentingan dalam pembangunan mampan. “Kolaborasi ini akan membuka peluang bagi pelbagai projek dan inisiatif yang akan membantu meningkatkan kesedaran tentang kepentingan pemuliharaan alam sekitar di kalangan pelajar, guru, ibu bapa, penaja dan masyarakat setempat. Ini merupakan langkah bersama dalam membentuk generasi masa depan yang lebih prihatin terhadap bumi kita,” katanya. Dari kiri: Siti Hajar binti Jamal (Penyelaras Eco-Schools, Green Growth Asia Foundation), Sazali Harun (Regional Controller, FGV Plantation Management Wilayah Temerloh), Salina binti Ma’om (YDP Pengerusi PIBG, SMK Triang 3), Tuan Haji Sarudin bin Kasiman (Pengetua, SMK Triang 3), Encik Norazmi Chai Abdullah (Regional Controller, FGV Plantation Management Wilayah Kuantan) Majlis Pemeteraian Kerjasama Program Eco-Schools Malaysia ini juga menyambut kehadiran wakil ketua sekolah dan pemimpin Persatuan Ibu Bapa-Guru (PIBG). Melalui penyertaan aktif dan komitmen yang kukuh terhadap inisiatif ini, kerjasama pihak sekolah menggariskan keazaman mereka dalam memupuk masa depan yang mampan dan kesedaran alam sekitar untuk generasi muda. Kolaborasi ini merupakan langkah penting dalam mempromosikan pendidikan alam sekitar dan kesedaran kelestarian di kalangan pelajar, serta mempromosikan penglibatan komuniti secara menyeluruh dalam mencipta masa depan yang lebih hijau dan mampan serta mengimbangi kesan perubahan iklim. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF and FGV Holdings Berhad Collaborate to Foster Climate Change Education through Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme

SMK Triang 3 will participate in Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme with sponsorship from FGV Holdings Berhad BERA, PAHANG, 22 SEPTEMBER 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), as the national programme coordinator for the Eco-Schools programme in Malaysia, is proud to announce the signing of a Note of Collaboration (NOC) with FGV Holdings Berhad (FGV). The collaboration aims to enhance environmental education and sustainability efforts at SMK Triang 3 in Bera through the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme. Eco-Schools, developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a globally recognised initiative that empowers students to actively participate in creating a sustainable and eco-friendly school environment. Under this strategic partnership, FGV, a Malaysian-based global agribusiness and food company with operations worldwide, will serve as the sponsor for the Eco-Schools programme at SMK Triang 3. CAPTION: Note of Collaboration (NOC) Signing Ceremony between Green Growth Asia Foundation, FGV Holdings Berhad with SMK Triang 3 from Pahang for the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme FGV is committed to climate action, biodiversity and circular economy, among others, and contributing more significantly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The collaboration with GGAF underlines FGV’s dedication to advancing a sustainable future and to the advancement of the overall sustainability agenda. This initiative further enriches the company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) journey, reinforcing the environmental principle that not only aims to foster awareness but also the relationship between humans and nature for future generations. FGV’s commitment to sustainability drives its ongoing efforts to enhance a diverse range of initiatives, which includes ensuring access to education – a fundamental aspect of children’s rights. The focus on children education is part of respecting human rights pillar in the Group Sustainability Framework, alongside promoting economic growth and protecting the environment. Dato’ Nazrul Mansor, Group Chief Executive Officer of FGV expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “At FGV, we recognise our profound responsibility to society and the welfare of our children. Our commitment to prioritise education is unwavering, with the best interests of the child at the core of all our decisions involving them. We firmly believe that by fostering a secure and nurturing environment, we empower the next generation to unlock their full potential and become catalysts for positive change within society.”  Siti Hajar binti Jamal,  Green Education Programme Advocate at Green Growth Asia Foundation highlighted the vital role that stakeholders play in sustainable development. “This collaboration will open up opportunities for various projects and initiatives that will help raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation among students, teachers, parents, sponsors and the general public. A concerted step in shaping a future generation that is more caring towards our planet,” she stated. From left: Siti Hajar binti Jamal (Eco-Schools Coordinator, Green Growth Asia Foundation), Sazali Harun (Regional Controller, FGV Plantation Management Wilayah Temerloh), Salina binti Ma’om (PTA Chairman, SMK Triang 3), Tuan Haji Sarudin bin Kasiman (Principal, SMK Triang 3), Encik Norazmi Chai Abdullah (Regional Controller, FGV Plantation Management Wilayah Kuantan) The significant signing ceremony celebrated the attendance of school head representatives and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) leaders, who, through their active participation and steadfast commitment to this initiative, underscore their dedication to nurturing a sustainable and environmentally conscious future for the Malaysian youth. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in fostering environmental education and sustainability awareness among students, as well as promoting community-wide engagement in creating a greener and more sustainable future. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Tengku Puteri Ilyana Officiates National Capacity Building Programme for STEM Teachers in Climate Change Education

80 Selected Malaysian STEM Teachers Receive Special Programme from Office Climate Education (OCE) Paris in line with the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership CAPTION: The Inauguration Ceremony of the Climate Change Education Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) Pedagogical Capacity-Building Workshop For 80 STEM Teachers by Her Highness Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Al Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al Mustafa Billah Shah, the official representative of His Royal Highness, The Regent of Pahang at I-KPKT, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang BUKIT TINGGI, PAHANG, 9 OCTOBER 2023 – A momentous occasion in the realm of education and environmental consciousness took place today as Her Highness Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Al Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al Mustafa Billah Shah, the official representative of His Royal Highness, The Regent of Pahang, officiated the opening ceremony of the Capacity Building Workshop for STEM Teachers in Climate Change Education through Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE). This event marks the inauguration of The Climate Change Education Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) Pedagogical Capacity Building Workshop for STEM Teachers, a transformative six-day workshop under the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme, jointly organised by the Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), Institute of Local Government Development (I-KPKT) and the Office for Climate Education (OCE) Paris, with support from the Teachers Professionalism Division (BPG), Ministry of Education (MOE). Tengku Puteri Ilyana, the Royal Patron for Eco-Schools Pahang, has been a strong advocate for climate change education, emphasising the importance of educating all educators and youth on climate change. Her Highness remarked, “Today, we are proud to witness the launch of a groundbreaking initiative, a partnership between the Green Growth Asia Foundation and the Office of Climate Education in Paris, which seeks to empower our STEM educators with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively teach climate change using the inquiry-based science education pedagogy.” Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), the organiser of this transformative event and the national operator of Eco-Schools Malaysia, has been a trailblazer in promoting climate change education in Malaysia with the intention towards empowering youth in individual climate action.  Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Mahadi Mohamad, Executive Director of Green Growth Asia Foundation said, “With the coming decade of action in 2030, world governments are scrambling to undo the regression of sustainable development goals that came about by the pandemic while making economic recovery possible. With that realisation, we at the GGAF re-aligned our thematic shift by focusing on Empowering Individual Climate Action.” This programme was crafted especially for STEM teachers to participate, engage, get creative and contribute to knowledge sharing with the input from OCE trainers. The programme content focuses on:  Apart from discussions, hands-on activities and competitions, the teachers will also enjoy an educational excursion to the Berjaya Hills Botanical Garden in Bukit Tinggi.  Her Highness, Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Al Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al Mustafa Billah Shah, looks forward to receptiveness of the Malaysian government and the Ministry of Education to ensure all Malaysian teachers build their capacity in climate change education for the future generation to embrace climate change adaptation and mitigation. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Tengku Puteri Ilyana Merasmikan Program Pembinaan Kapasiti bagi Guru STEM dalam Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim

Seramai 80 Guru STEM Terpilih untuk Menyertai Program Khas dari Office for Climate Education (OCE) Paris selaras dengan UNESCO Greening Education Partnership KETERANGAN: Majlis Perasmian ‘The Climate Change Education Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) Pedagogical Capacity-Building Workshop for STEM Teachers’ disempurnakan oleh YAM Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Al Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al Mustafa Billah Shah di I-KPKT, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang BUKIT TINGGI, PAHANG, 9 OKTOBER 2023 – Suatu peristiwa bersejarah dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesedaran alam sekitar berlaku hari ini apabila YAM Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Al Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al Mustafa Billah Shah, selaku wakil rasmi KDYMM Pemangku Raja Pahang, merasmikan upacara pembukaan ‘The Climate Change Education Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) Pedagogical Capacity-Building Workshop for STEM Teachers’ sebagai Penaung Diraja program Eco-Schools Pahang yang dikendalikan pada peringkat nasional oleh Green Growth Asia Foundation. Acara ini merupakan pelancaran bagi program ‘The Climate Change Education Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) Pedagogical Capacity Building Workshop for STEM Teachers’, sebuah bengkel transformasi selama enam hari di bawah program Eco-Schools Malaysia, yang dianjurkan bersama oleh Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), Institut Latihan Pembangunan Kerajaan Tempatan (I-KPKT) dan Office for Climate Education (OCE) Paris, dengan sokongan dari Bahagian Profesionalisme Guru (BPG), Kementerian Pendidikan (MOE). Tengku Puteri Ilyana, Penaung Diraja bagi Eco-Schools Pahang, telah menjadi penyokong tegar bagi pendidikan perubahan iklim, menekankan kepentingan mendidik semua pendidik dan generasi muda tentang perubahan iklim. Tengku Ilyana bertitah, “Pada hari ini, kami berbesar hati untuk menyaksikan pelancaran inisiatif yang membanggakan, sebuah perkongsian antara Green Growth Asia Foundation dan Office for Climate Education di Paris, yang bertujuan untuk memperkasakan pendidik STEM kami dengan pengetahuan dan alatan yang mereka perlukan untuk mengajar perubahan iklim dengan berkesan menggunakan pedagogi pendidikan sains berasaskan inkuiri (IBSE).” Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), penganjur acara transformasi ini dan pengendali kebangsaan program Eco-Schools Malaysia, adalah peneraju dalam mempromosikan pendidikan perubahan iklim di Malaysia dengan niat untuk memberdayakan generasi muda dalam tindakan iklim individu. Datuk Ir. Ts. Dr. Mahadi Mohamad, Pengarah Eksekutif Green Growth Asia Foundation berkata, “Dengan dekad tindakan pada tahun 2030 yang akan datang, kerajaan di seluruh dunia berusaha untuk mengatasi kemunduran matlamat pembangunan mampan yang berlaku akibat pandemik sambil menjalankan pemulihan ekonomi. Dengan pemahaman ini, kami dari GGAF mengalihkan tumpuan tematik kami dengan memberi tumpuan kepada Pemberdayaan Tindakan Iklim Individu.” Program ini direka khas untuk guru STEM mengambil bahagian, terlibat, menyerlahkan kreativiti dan menyumbang kepada perkongsian pengetahuan dengan input dari jurulatih OCE. Kandungan program memberi tumpuan kepada: Selain dari perbincangan, aktiviti praktikal dan pertandingan, para guru juga akan menikmati lawatan pendidikan ke Taman Botani Berjaya Hills di Bukit Tinggi. Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana binti Al Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al Mustafa Billah Shah berharap agar kerajaan Malaysia dan Kementerian Pendidikan dapat menyokong usaha untuk memastikan semua guru Malaysia meningkatkan kapasiti mereka dalam pendidikan perubahan iklim demi generasi masa depan yang dapat merangkul adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Malaysia’s Green Growth Asia Foundation Wins Pratt & Whitney Global E-STEM Award

Green Growth Asia Foundation was chosen for their work to empower indigenous youth in sustainable water sanitation Malaysia, October 17, 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation was selected by Pratt & Whitney and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) as a winner of the 2023 Pratt & Whitney Global E-STEM Awards. Satheeshkumar Kumarasingam, Pratt & Whitney’s chief transformation and strategy officer, bestowed grants totaling $250,000 to 15 nonprofit organizations in 12 countries. Each group demonstrated a remarkable commitment to advancing environmental, science, technology, engineering, and math (E-STEM) education programs for underrepresented students ages 11–22. This program will engage students aged 10–17 from Indigenous Pos Kemar to improve water sanitation using sustainable practices. Workshops will focus on water-quality analysis and utilize water filtration technologies to engineer community-driven solutions. Green Growth Asia Foundation aims to empower youth on individual climate action through the means of education. “This grant represents a pivotal opportunity to catalyze a transformative educational initiative, cultivating students’ consciousness of clean water’s significance and enabling them to proactively seek sustainable solutions,” said Dr. Sarva Mangala Praveena, Strategic Solutions Panel member of Green Growth Asia Foundation and an associate professor from the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Learn more about Green Growth Asia Foundation in this link:  A panel of judges from Pratt & Whitney and NAAEE selected the recipients from a pool of over 150 applicants spanning 40 countries. The winners were publicly announced on October 17 at the NAAEE Annual Conference. Read the full press release. Learn more about all of this year’s winners by reading their biographies on our website: Pratt & Whitney’s corporate social responsibility program supports initiatives that emphasize a laser focus on innovation and performance, inspire the next generation, and empower employees to positively impact communities. The company is committed to ensuring that future generations of engines drive further reductions in CO2 emissions, decrease noise, and are ready to operate with 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Click here to learn more about the future of sustainable aviation. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF and SKB Shutters Manufacturing Sdn Bhd Join Forces to Foster Environmental Education at SK Tunku Azizah, Kuantan, Pahang

SK Tunku Azizah will participate in Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme with sponsorship from SKB Shutters Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. KUANTAN, PAHANG – The Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) proudly announces the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with SKB Shutters Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, a leading Malaysian company specialising in roller shutters, steel doors and racking systems. This strategic collaboration is set to bring environmental education and sustainability initiatives to SK Tunku Azizah in Kuantan, Pahang, under the prestigious Eco-Schools Malaysia programme. The school holds a special place within the community as it is named after Her Majesty Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah. As the national programme coordinator for the Eco-Schools programme in Malaysia, developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) based in Copenhagen, Denmark, GGAF continues to drive positive change in schools across the country. The newly formed partnership with SKB Shutters Manufacturing Sdn Bhd marks a significant step in promoting environmental awareness and sustainable practices within the education system. SKB Shutters, a reputable Malaysian roller shutter manufacturer and supplier, has committed to sponsoring SK Tunku Azizah as part of its dedication to championing the environment. Their commitment aligns with their Code of Conduct Principles, where they emphasise the preservation and protection of the environment and natural resources to ensure sustainability. They believe education to be a key element of building a sustainable ecosystem, as the younger generations will be the future leaders of our community. Michelle Sin, Chief Executive Officer of SKB Shutters, expressed enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “As we embark on this vital journey with GGAF and SK Tunku Azizah, we are reminded that sustainability is not just an initiative, it’s a promise to future generations. By encouraging sustainable education, we are planting seeds of change that will grow into a greener, more responsible world. Our partnership symbolizes more than just support; it represents a shared commitment to nurturing a sustainable mindset that will thrive long beyond our time”. Sri Themudu, Chief Programme Officer at Green Growth Asia Foundation, underscored the vital role students assume as catalysts for change in sustainable development. “Students are key drivers of positive change in sustainable development. This initiative empowers them to take individual climate action, contributing to the creation of a more sustainable community. We extend our gratitude to SKB Shutters for their sponsorship, as it greatly aids the school in mobilising SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives within both the school and the broader community,” he stated. This collaboration signifies a shared commitment to nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious individuals and fostering sustainability within the local community. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

50 Eco-Schools In Perak To Become ‘Green Ambassadors’

IPOH: A total of 50 schools in the state have been selected to participate in an Eco-Schools programme implemented by the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc) of Perak to become ‘green ambassadors’. They will share environmental messages to instil a sense of communal responsibility for sustainable living. MB Inc chief executive officer Anuar Zainal Abidin said the programme was coordinated by the Green Growth Asia Foundation in collaboration with the Perak State Education Department since 2021 and out of the 50, nine schools received the Green Flag award. It involves national secondary schools – SMK Dato Abdul Rahman Yaakub (Perak Tengah), SMK Raja Perempuan Kelsom (Kuala Kangsar), SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh (Kinta Utara), SMK Changkat Beruas (Manjung), SMK Kampung Dato Seri Kamarudin (Manjung), SK Sultan Abdullah (Larut Matang and Selama), SK Kuak Luar (Hulu Perak), SJKC Bukit Merah (North Kinta) and SJKC Siputeh (South Kinta). Anuar (pic) said MB Inc wanted all schools to join the programme to foster green practices in line with the speech of Perak Ruler Sultan Nazrin Shah which advocates that greening the entire state should be a shared responsibility. “MB Inc has allocated RM1.2mil for corporate social responsibility activities in the field of education and the environment through the international programme of Eco-Schools,” Bernama quoted him in a statement yesterday. “The Eco-Schools programme will produce green ambassadors who are able to facilitate solutions to environmental issues in the community as well as global issues and we are targeting more than 100 schools by 2025. “Our goal is to ensure that students help intensify the preservation and conservation of the environment through the Perak Bumi Lestari (Sustainable Earth) campaign,” he said.

Eco-Schools In Perak To Share Environmental Message With Community

Ipoh, Oct 15 (Bernama) – A total of 50 schools in the state have been selected to participate in the Eco-Schools programme implemented by the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc) of Perak to become ‘green ambassadors’ who will share environmental messages to instill a sense of communal responsibility for sustainable living. MC Inc Chief Executive Officer Anuar Zainal Abidin (pic) said the programme is coordinate by the Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) in collaboration with the Perak State Education Department (JPN) sine 2021 and out of the total (50), nine schools had received the Green Flag Award. It involves national secondary schools – SMK Dato’ Abdul Rahman Yaakub (Perak Tengah), SMK Raja Perempuan Kelsom (Kuala Kangsar), SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh (Kinta Utara), SMK Changkat Beruas (Manjung), SMK Kampung Dato Seri Kamarudin (Manjung), Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Sultan Abdullah (Larut Matang dan Selama), SK Kuak Luar (Hulu Perak), SJKC Bukit Merah (Kinta Utara) and SJKC Siputeh (Kinta Selatan). Annual said MB Inc wants all schools to join the Eco-Schools Programme to foster green practices in line with the speech of the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah, which advocates the greening the entire state should be a shared responsibility. “MB Inc has allocated RM1.2million for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the field of education and the environment through the international programme of Eco-Schools,” he said in a statement today. “The Eco-Schools Programme will produce green ambassadors who are able to facilitate solutions to environmental issues in the community as well as global issues and we are targeting more than 100 schools by 2025. “Our goal is to ensure that students help intensify the preservation and conservation of the environment through the Perak Bumi Lestari (Sustainable Earth) Campaign,” he said.

Eco-Schools Perak Melibatkan 50 Buah Sekolah, Sasar Capai 100 Buah Menjelang 2025

PERAK hari ini melancarkan program kelestarian pendidikan alam sekitar Eco-Schools Perak yang membabitkan 50 buah sekolah melibatkan Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC), sekolah Orang Asli serta Sekolah Menengah dengan sasaran mencapai 100 buah sekolah menjelang 2025. Program kelestarian berasaskan projek memulihara alam sekitar Eco-schools Perak itu merupakan inisiatif Menteri Besar Incorporated (Perak) yang diselaraskan oleh Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) dengan kerjasama Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Perak. Majlis pelancaran program di Royal Perak Golf Club (RPGC) hari ini itu merupakan elemen utama dalam menjayakan pelancaran Eco-Schools Perak: Pendidikan Lestari Cikgu Saarani @ Perak Sejahtera 2030 dengan disempurnakan oleh Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif MB Inc., Anuar Zainal Abidin berkata, MB Inc. telah memperuntukkan sebanyak RM1.2 juta bagi tujuan tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) dalam bidang pendidikan dan alam sekitar menerusi program lestari antarabangsa, ‘EcoSchools’. Menurut beliau, program Eco-schools akan melahirkan duta-duta kelestarian yang mampu menjadi pemudah penyelesaian isu alam sekitar di dalam komuniti mahupun isu global. “Eco-Schools juga dapat memberi impak positif kepada Kerajaan Negeri iaitu dengan melahirkan ‘duta hijau’ yang akan berkongsi mesej alam sekitar selain menyemai rasa masyarakat yang bertanggungjawab untuk hidup secara mampan,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan selepas Pelancaran Eco-Schools Perak: Pendidikan Lestari Cikgu Saarani @PerakSejahtera 2030. Pelaksanaan program Eco-Schools Perak selari dengan titah ucapan Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah pada 3 Mac 2020 yang menitahkan bahawa merimbunkan kehijauan seluruh negeri hendaklah menjadi tanggungjawab bersama. Ianya juga sejajar dengan usaha Kerajaan Negeri melalui usaha Menteri Besar Datuk Saarani Mohamad dalam memperhebatkan pemeliharaan dan pemuliharaan alam sekitar menerusi Kempen Perak Bumi Lestari. BERITA BERKAITAN UPSI anjur Bengkel Pengurusan Pusat Sumber Sekolah daerah Langkawi. Perkasa pengurusan perpustakaan Program Eco-Schools telah dilancarkan pada tahun 1994 oleh Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) di beberapa negara di Eropah sebagai tindak balas terhadap keperluan yangdibincangkan dalam Persidangan Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. Hari ini, Program Eco-Schools Eco-schools merupakan sebuah program sekolah lestari terbesar di dunia dengan penglibatan lebih 59,000 sekolah, 20 juta pelajar dan 1.4 Juta guru daripada 74 negara. Sementara itu, Direktor Eksekutif Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), Dr Mahadi Mohamad berkata, sebagai Pengendali Kebangsaan program Eco-School, GGAF gembira dengan pelancaran Eco-Schools Perak. “Pemahaman tentang kitaran hayat dan kemampanan harus ditekankan dalam sistem pendidikan kita merentas semua disiplin. Penduduk dunia telah menggunakan banyak sumber planet dengan cara yang tidak mampan. Oleh itu, kami komited untuk memperkasakan golongan muda dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran untuk menjalani gaya hidup yang mampan,” ujarnya. Dalam pada itu, tahniah kepada sembilan buah sekolah atas kejayaan mempraktikkan amalanhijau di negeri Perak dan mendapat penganugerahan Green Flag Award (International Award 2022) menerusi program Eco-Schools. Sembilan buah sekolah tersebut ialah SMK Dato Abdul Rahman Yaakub (Perak Tengah), SMK Raja Perempuan Kelsom (Kuala Kangsar), SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh (Kinta Utara), SMK Changkat Beruas (Manjung), SMK Kampung Dato Seri Kamarudin (Manjung), SK Sultan Abdullah (Larut Matang & Selama), SK Kuak Luar (Hulu Perak), SJKC Bukit Merah (Kinta Utara) dan SJKC Siputeh (Kinta Selatan). Dalam pelancaran tersebut, turut diselitkan pengiktirafan tiga rekod Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR) 2022:a. Penglibatan pelajar dalam Acara Larian Maya Terbesar sebanyak 97,000 pelajar sekolah anjuran MB Inc., Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) dan JPN.b. Acara Minum Minuman Pribiotik Terbesar Secara Serentak sebanyak 10,000 pelajar dengan kerjasama Yakult Malaysia dan Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Perak.c. Acara Makan Salad Secara Serentak dengan penglibatan 10,000 pelajar dengan kerjasama Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan Negeri Perak (FAMA). Dalam pada itu, rakan industri MB Inc. iaitu Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sdn.Bhd, Klay Minerals Sdn.Bhd, dan Jin Sand Global Sdn. Bhd turut menyampaikan mock cheque bagi sumbangan Program-program Pembangunan Pendidikan Negeri Perak dengan jumlah terkumpul sebanyak RM1.5 juta.

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