Green Growth Asia Foundation

Author name: GGAFwc092023

Digital Climate Change Marathon

The Digital Climate Change Marathon was organised by Hang Tuah Jaya Local Council and GGAF, to raise awareness among the youth on climate change and carbon footprint issues that are increasingly becoming severe. This programme targeted to ensure youth have a deeper understanding that equips them to become the agent of change in the future. Conducted over a week from 23rd November 2020, the marathon programme was conducted online and participants undertook their assignments according to the modules and worksheets provided. A total of 179 students and 24 teachers from 7 primary schools and 6 secondary schools participated. Topics presented included Introduction to Climate Change, Carbon Calculation for Electricity, Water, Waste & Food. The Council sponsored the programme which was concluded with a prize giving ceremony for winners of the competitions held during the programme.Go to Website. Go to Website

Pemangku Raja Pahang Berkenan Merasmikan Program Eco-Schools Pahang dan Mengumumkan Pelan Halatuju Greening Education Partnership Pahang 2030

Negeri Pahang, negeri pertama di dunia melakarkan pelan halatuju mendokong Greening Education Partnership UNESCO KUANTAN, PAHANG 13 JUN 2023 – KDYMM Pemangku Raja Pahang, Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Ibni Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah berkenan merasmikan pelancaran Program Eco-Schools Pahang Darul Makmur di Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunku Azizah di Kuantan.  Sebagai Penaung Diraja Eco-SchoolsMalaysia, baginda bertitah “Program Eco-Schools merupakan platfom terbaik bagi pembugaran nilai-nilai teladan serta peningkatan kesedaran dan perakuan isu-isu alam sekitar semasa melalui pembelajaran berasaskan projek (PBL). Konsep Alam Sekitar, Sosial dan Tadbir Urus (ESG) yang telah saya titahkan juga diupaya melalui pelaksanaan program Eco-Schools: Alam Sekitar (E) melalui intervensi mitigasi dan adaptasi iklim serta pemeliharaan biodiversiti, Sosial (S) melalui pembangunan komuniti serta perkembangan sahsiah dan intelek murid, dan Tadbir Urus (G) melalui capaian pemegang taruh serta kebertanggungjawapan. Prinsip-prinsip ESG diterapkan secara holistik dalam metodologi tujuh langkah Eco-Schools. Lebih menarik, intervensi pendidikan untuk pembangunan mampan ini mengetengahkan peranan belia selaku ejen perubahan dalam membina masyarakat sifar bersih karbon.”   Melalui titah ucapan KDYMM Tengku Mahkota selaku Penaung Diraja Eco-Schools Malaysia, baginda memperkenalkan program Eco-Schools Pahang kepada para hadirin khususnya kepada seratus (100) orang pengetua sekolah daripada seluruh negeri Pahang serta jabatan-jabatan Negeri Pahang termasuk wakil-wakil Pejabat Perikanan Negeri Pahang, Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Pahang, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Negeri Pahang dan Jabatan Veterinar Negeri Pahang, antara lainnya. Titah baginda, Program Eco-Schools merupakan sebuah program Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Mampan (ESD) terbesar di dunia, jaringannya merentas sembilan puluh lima (95) buah negara dengan penglibatan lebih dua puluh (20) juta murid dan satu (1) juta guru. Program Eco-Schools merupakan elemen terpenting dalam menjayakan pelan hala tuju Greening Education Partnership(GEP) UNESCO menjelang tahun 2030. Greening Education Partnership(GEP), merupakan sebuah inisiatif Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu bertujuan untuk menyampaikan tindakan yang teguh dan komprehensif bagi memastikan setiap murid untuk memperoleh pengetahuan, kemahiran, nilai dan sikap untuk menangani perubahan iklim dan dalam menggalakkan pembangunan mampan. Berdasarkan pendekatan holistik Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Mampan terhadap pembelajaran, GEP telah digubal untuk memberi inspirasi kepada negara untuk memperkasakan murid dengan kemahiran yang diperlukan untuk tindakan iklim, pembangunan ekonomi yang inklusif dan mampan dalam konteks peralihan ke arah ekonomi digital dan hijau. Acara puncak di Majlis Perasmian Eco-Schools Pahang ialah imbasan Pelan Hala Tuju Greening Education Partnership Pahang bagi tahun 2023 hingga 2030 oleh KDYMM Tengku Mahkota. Dalam usaha menyepadukan prinsip kemampanan, kesedaran alam sekitar dan tindakan iklim individu ke dalam sistem pendidikan, Pelan Hala Tuju Greening Education Partnership Pahang ini bertujuan untuk memperkasakan generasi muda dengan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan nilai yang diperlukan untuk menangani cabaran alam sekitar yang mendesak.  Penting diumumkan bahawa negeri Pahang merupakan negeri (state) pertama di dunia yang telah memperkenalkan sebuah pelan hala tuju untuk Menghijaukan Pendidikan. Di dalam titah baginda, Pemangku Raja Pahang menekankan perlunya inisiatif yang berupaya menjadi penggerak belia negara, terutamanya di negeri Pahang untuk menerajui peralihan hijau ke dalam masyarakat-masyarakat negeri Pahang khususnya.  Tujuan utama Pelan Hala Tuju Greening Education Partnership Pahang adalah untuk memperkasakan peranan pendidikan bagi mencapai matlamat pembangunan mampan, sekaligus mengintegrasikan agenda iklim ke dalam sistem pendidikan di Malaysia melalui empat turus, iaitu:- Menghijaukan Sekolah Sekurang-kurangnya 50% institusi pendidikan di Pahang diberi pengiktirafan sebagai sekolah atau institusi hijau setelah menamatkan program Eco-Schools dan Eco-Campus. Menghijaukan Pembelajaran 100% sekolah yang mengikuti program Eco-Schools akan menerapkan pengintegrasian pendidikan perubahan iklim di dalam Kurikulum Kebangsaan, dan 100% Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi yang menjalani program Eco-Campus akan menawarkan kursus-kursus Pengurusan Pembangunan Mampan. Menghijaukan Kapasiti dan Ketersediaan Setiap orang Pengetua / Guru Besar, dan sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) orang guru dari setiap sekolah di Pahang menghadiri Kursus Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim. Menghijaukan Komuniti 100% sekolah di kawasan FELDA yang mengikuti program Eco-Schools menjadi pusat pendidikan untuk pembangunan masyarakat mampan. Turut berkenan meraikan majlis pelancaran tersebut adalah adinda kepada KDYMM Tengku Mahkota, YAM Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana Binti Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, selaku Penaung Diraja bagi Program Eco-Schools Pahang.  YAM Tengku Puteri telah menyambut baik majlis pelancaran ini. Baginda bertitah, Program Eco-Schools merupakan solusi jangka panjang, berpaksikan penglibatan belia dalam merealisasikan aspirasi matlamat pembangunan mampan (SDGs) Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu.  Majlis pelancaran ini merupakan hasil kerjasama Green Growth Asia Foundation selaku penganjur yang mendapat sokongan penuh oleh Kerajaan Negeri Pahang, Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pahang, dan Yayasan Pahang. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan telah dirakamkan kepada rakan sinergi Eco-Schools Pahang, iaitu Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation( MGTC), WWF-Malaysia, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Malaysia, Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp), Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Negeri Pahang, Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Pahang, Jabatan Perikanan Negeri Pahang dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Pahang, atas sokongan yang telah, sedang dan akan diberikan bagi menjayakan elemen pendidikan berasaskan projek (PBL) Eco-Schools Pahang.  Penaja program Eco-Schools Pahang juga telah diberi penghargaan oleh YAM Tengku Puteri. Antara yang hadir adalah wakil-wakil daripada Public Bank Berhad, BASF Petronas Chemicals Sdn. Bhd., FGV Holdings Berhad, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, DRB HICOM dan Reneuco Berhad di atas kesudian membiayai penglibatan beberapa buah sekolah Eco-Schools di negeri Pahang. YAM Tengku Puteri menyeru agar lebih ramai pihak terutama badan korporat untuk bersama berganding bahu, bagi memastikan impak positif program Eco-Schools dapat dinikmati bagi segenap penjuru negeri tercinta ini.  Antara dif-dif kehormat yang turut meraikan majlis tersebut adalah Yang Amat Berhormat Menteri Besar Pahang, Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pertanian, Industri Asas Tani, Bioteknologi dan Pendidikan Negeri Pahang, Datuk Seri Ir. Mohd Soffi Abd Razak. Ketibaan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Pemangku Raja Pahang disusuli dengan lawatan ke Projek Akuaponik PPKI di SK Tunku Azizah dan majlis pelancaran Eco-Schools Pahang telah disempurnakan baginda dengan acara penanaman pokok Podocapus yang telah disampaikan oleh murid-murid SK Tunku Azizah kepada beliau. Acara simbolik tersebut merakamkan sepenuh pengharapan, keyakinan dan kepercayaan belia negeri Pahang terhadap kepimpinan negeri dan negara khususnya untuk melindungi dan mengutamakan Pembangunan Mampan supaya kelangsungan kehidupan yang lebih lestari di bumi Pahang serta negara Malaysia yang tercinta dapat direalisasikan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Regent of Pahang Officiates Eco-Schools Programme and Announces the Pahang Greening Education Partnership Roadmap 2030

Pahang State in Malaysia is the world’s first state to outline its roadmap to support the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership. KUANTAN, PAHANG, 13 JUNE 2023 – HRH, the Regent of Pahang, Tengku Mahkota Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah Ibni Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, graciously launched the Pahang Eco-Schools Programme at Tunku Azizah Primary School in Kuantan.   As the Royal Patron of Eco-Schools Malaysia, HRH described, “The Eco-Schools Programme is the ideal platform to foster exemplary values, raise awareness and recognition of current environmental issues through project-based learning (PBL). The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) concept, which I have mandated, is also being executed through the Eco-Schools programme: Environment (E) through climate mitigation and adaptation interventions and biodiversity conservation, Social (S) through community development and the personal and intellectual development of students, and Governance (G) through stakeholder engagement and accountability. ESG principles are being holistically applied in the seven-step methodology of Eco-Schools. Furthermore, the educational intervention for sustainable development highlights the role of youth as agents of change in building a zero-carbon society.” In his speech, HRH the Regent of Pahang, as the Royal Patron of Eco-Schools Malaysia, introduced the Eco-Schools Pahang Programme to the attendees, mainly one hundred school principals from across the state of Pahang, as well as representatives from Pahang State departments. He emphasised that the Eco-Schools Programme is the world’s most extensive Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme, with a network covering ninety-five countries, involving over twenty million students and one million teachers. The Eco-Schools Programme is essential in achieving the goals of the UNESCO Greening Education Partnership (GEP) by 2030. GEP is a United Nations initiative that provides comprehensive and resolute actions to empower every student with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to address climate change and promote sustainable development. Based on the holistic approach of ESD, the GEP has been designed to inspire countries to empower students with the necessary skills for climate action and inclusive and sustainable economic development to transition to a digital and green economy. The highlight of the Eco-Schools Pahang Inauguration Ceremony was the Pahang GEP Roadmap 2030 presentation by the HRH Regent of Pahang. To integrate sustainability principles, environmental awareness, and individual climate action into the education system, this roadmap aims to empower the younger generation with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to address urgent environmental challenges. It is highly notable to mention that Pahang is the first state in the world to formulate a Greening Education roadmap. In his address, the Regent of Pahang emphasised the need for initiatives that empower the youth, especially in Pahang, to lead the green transition among the communities in the state.  The Pahang Greening Education Partnership (GEP) Roadmap aims to strengthen the role of education in achieving sustainable development goals and integrating the climate agenda into the education system in Malaysia through the following pillars. Greening Schools At least 50% of educational institutions throughout Pahang are recognised as green schools or institutions through the Eco-Schools and Eco-Campus programs. Greening Learning 100% of schools in the Eco-Schools program implement climate change education integration within the National Curriculum, and 100% of Higher Education Institutions in the Eco-Campus program offer recognised Sustainable Development Management courses. Greening Capacity & Readiness Every principal/headmaster and at least two teachers from each school in Pahang attend Climate Change Education courses. Greening Communities 100% of schools in FELDA areas participating in the Eco-Schools program become education centres for sustainable community development. Also, present to grace the launching ceremony was the sister of HRH the Regent, HRH Tengku Puteri Raja Tengku Puteri Ilyana Binti Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah, who is the Royal Patron of Eco-Schools Pahang. In her welcoming remark at the launch event, HRH Tengku Puteri highlighted that the Eco-Schools Programme is a long-term solution which is youth-centred in realising the aspirations of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  This launch event is the outcome of a collaboration between the Green Growth Asia Foundation as the organiser with support from the Pahang State Government, the Pahang State Education Department, and the Pahang Foundation. The highest appreciation is accorded to the synergistic partners of Eco-Schools Pahang, namely the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC), WWF-Malaysia, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Malaysia, the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp), the Pahang State Irrigation and Drainage Department, the Pahang State Agriculture Department, the Pahang State Fisheries Department, and the Pahang State Veterinary Services Department, for their continuous support in the success of the project-based learning (PBL) elements of Eco-Schools Pahang.  Also acknowledged at the event were the Eco-Schools Pahang Programme sponsors for their readiness to support the involvement of several Eco-Schools across the state. Among those present were Public Bank Berhad and BASF Petronas Chemicals Sdn representatives. Bhd., FGV Holdings Berhad, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, DRB Hicom and Reneuco Berhad. More corporate bodies were called on to ensure the Eco-Schools Programme’s positive impacts can be enjoyed throughout the beloved state of Pahang. The honourable guests at the event include the Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail and Pahang Agriculture, Agro-based Industry, Biotechnology and Education committee chairman Datuk Seri Ir Mohd Soffi Abd Razak. Upon his arrival, the Regent of Pahang visited the PPKI Aquaponics Project at SK Tunku Azizah, and the launching ceremony of Eco-Schools Pahang was concluded with a tree planting event where students from SK Tunku Azizah gifted a Podocapus tree to His Royal Highness. This event symbolises the hope, belief, and trust of the youths in Pahang towards the leadership of the state and the country to protect and prioritise sustainable development in Pahang and Malaysia. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

Empowering Perak’s Youth through the Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme

Green Flag Award Ceremony Celebrates Sustainability Champions IPOH, PERAK, 14 AUGUST 2023 – The Eco-Schools programme, a groundbreaking initiative developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), is fostering a generation of green ambassadors through its innovative project-based learning approach. In Malaysia, the mantle of this visionary programme is carried by the Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), which proudly celebrates the achievements of nine outstanding schools from Perak in a remarkable Green Flag Award Ceremony. Daniel Schaeffer, CEO, FEE said, “I’m deeply impressed and inspired as we celebrate Perak’s nine exceptional schools for their eco projects, exemplifying a brighter, more sustainable future. My heartfelt congratulations to each school. I also applaud the GGAF for spearheading these vital initiatives in Malaysia.” The Eco-Schools programme’s transformative power lies in its project-based learning methodology, propelling students to become passionate advocates for sustainable practices. The Green Flag Award Ceremony, a pinnacle event on GGAF’s calendar, applauds the exceptional endeavors of Perak’s schools in the realm of sustainability. These schools have gone above and beyond in implementing creative and innovative eco projects, showcasing their dedication to creating a greener future. Dr. Balamurugan Ratha Krishnan, Chief Executive, GGAF said “I take great pride in celebrating the outstanding achievements of 9 Perak schools. Their innovative eco projects showcase the essence of the Eco-Schools programme, and GGAF is honored to drive this initiative as the national operator. Perak’s leadership in advancing the Greening Education Partnership emphasizes our shared commitment to a more sustainable future.” Among the distinguished recipients is SJKC Siputeh’s inspiring contribution to sustainability. Confronted with the challenge of a muddy area at their school compound’s front, a collaborative journey unfolded, showcasing unity’s transformative power. The students, the principal, the school governing body, Parent-Teacher Association (PIBG) and dedicated staff joined forces to create a captivating mini zoo—a sanctuary that transcended aesthetics, fostering student well-being. Simultaneously, their “Projek Maju bersama Global (SDG)” initiative underscores their dedication to global sustainability goals. Collaboratively covering a school side with a massive poster, students and teachers unwaveringly raised awareness about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, embodying their proactive role as change-makers dedicated to education and advocacy. CAPTION: A school visit to SJKC Siputeh by Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), MB Inc Perak and Perak State Education Department CAPTION: SJKC Siputeh’s Andersen Mini Zoo project and “Projek Maju bersama Global (SDG)” Another shining example is SK Kuak Luar, whose projects spanned the realms of upcycling and biodiversity. Their “Upcycled Candles” project saw students transforming used cooking oil into charming candles, demonstrating creative repurposing. The students also created the “Dragon and Tacunan Garden” which enriched the school environment with not only dragon fruits and Tacunan coconuts, but also corn, lemon and hybrid guava plantations, contributing to temperature regulation.  CAPTION: SK Kuak Luar learned about upcycling used cooking oil to make candles with an expert from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and planted dragon fruits in their school compound Equally remarkable is SJKC Bukit Merah’s Eco-Enzyme project. This initiative demonstrated a commitment to combating food wastage through the creation of a multipurpose liquid produced from organic waste fermentation. Through a process of meticulous organic waste fermentation, these young eco-champions harnessed the power of nature to craft a versatile and multipurpose liquid known as eco-enzyme. CAPTION: SJKC Bukit Merah students learned how to make, store and use eco enzymes Haji Fakhrul Nizam Pakhruddin, Assistant Deputy Director, Student Development Sector, Perak State Education Department said, “We stand firmly behind the Eco-Schools programme. It has proven to be an invaluable tool, nurturing not only eco-consciousness but also fostering holistic and healthy development in our young minds. We believe that by cultivating sustainability at the heart of education, we are empowering our students to become responsible global citizens.”  Crucially, the Green Flag Award Ceremony is not just a celebration of student achievements—it is a testament to collaborative efforts for a greener future. The support of MB Inc. Perak, which graciously sponsored all winning schools including 11 others, underscores a shared commitment to sustainable practices. This partnership resonates with the visionary call of Perak Ruler Sultan Nazrin Shah, emphasising the shared responsibility of greening the entire state. MB Inc. Perak’s dedication takes tangible form through the “Perak Bumi Lestari” initiative, aligned with the Eco-Schools programme, to foster sustainable practices throughout the state. Anuar Zainal Abidin, CEO, MB Inc, said “As a passionate driver of this initiative, we empower schools to cultivate eco-consciousness, infuse green values into their ethos, and inspire students to become environmental ambassadors.” CAPTION: Congratulations CEO of Foundation of Environmental Education and stakeholders with award recipients at the Green Flag Awards Ceremony As the Green Flag Award Ceremony shines a spotlight on these exceptional schools, GGAF and its partners reiterate their unwavering dedication to empowering Perak’s youth to be change-makers in the journey towards a more sustainable future. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF dan Public Bank Berhad Bekerjasama Membangunkan Pendidikan Pembangunan Lestari Melalui Program Eco-Schools Malaysia

Sepuluh buah sekolah di Kuantan, Pahang akan menyertai Program Eco-Schools Malaysia berfokuskan literasi kewangan dan penggunaan yang bertanggungjawab. KUANTAN, PAHANG, 21 OGOS 2023 – Dalam mempromosikan kesedaran alam sekitar dan pendidikan lestari, Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) dan Public Bank Berhad (PBB) telah bergabung tangan untuk memberdayakan generasi masa depan dengan nilai-nilai yang peka terhadap alam sekitar. Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) telah ditandatangani antara kedua-dua organisasi ini untuk menandakan kerjasama ini bertujuan untuk menaja 20 buah sekolah di seluruh Pahang, Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor menerusi program Eco-Schools Malaysia. Upacara penandatanganan nota kolaborasi (NOC), yang diadakan hari ini di SMK (P) Methodist, Kuantan, turut dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil berprestij termasuk seorang pengetua dan seorang wakil Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) daripada 10 buah sekolah yang menyertai di Pahang. Peristiwa bersejarah ini tidak hanya melambangkan komitmen bersama untuk memupuk pendidikan lestari tetapi juga mengukuhkan dedikasi GGAF dan PBB untuk mencipta masa depan yang lebih hijau dan bertanggungjawab. KETERANGAN: Majlis Perjanjian Kerjasama Pintar Penajaan Public Bank Berhad untuk Program Eco-Schools Pahang bersama Green Growth Asia Foundation Sebagai koordinator program nasional, GGAF membawa kepakaran dan pengalaman dalam inisiatif alam sekitar kepada perkongsian ini. Dengan mengkoordinasi dan menggerakkan program Eko-Sekolah Malaysia, GGAF berada di barisan hadapan dalam membentuk pemikiran-pemikiran muda untuk menjadi penganjur kelestarian. Public Bank Berhad, sebuah institusi kewangan yang terkemuka, telah mengambil peranan sebagai penaja dan fasilitator program ini. Melalui pembiayaan program sekolah lestari dan penggerakan program sukarelawan Eko-Sekolah Malaysia, PBB menunjukkan komitmen bukan hanya terhadap kesejahteraan kewangan komuniti yang dilayan tetapi juga terhadap kesejahteraan alam sekitar. Sebagai aspek penting dalam kerjasama ini, PBB dan GGAF akan bersama-sama menganjurkan modul literasi kewangan dan bengkel-bengkel yang berpusat pada pengeluaran dan penggunaan yang lestari. Modul-modul pendidikan ini akan melengkapi pelajar dengan kemahiran hidup yang penting, membolehkan mereka membuat keputusan yang berinformasi tentang kewangan mereka sambil menyokong amalan-amalan penggunaan yang bertanggungjawab. Kurikulum ini akan menggalakkan pelajar untuk mengamalkan amalan-amalan seperti menyokong produk dan perkhidmatan tempatan, mengurangkan penggunaan plastik, dan menyumbang secara aktif kepada inisiatif Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN SDG). KETERANGAN: Ucapan dari Dr Balamurugan Ratha Krishnan, Ketua Eksekutif Green Growth Asia Foundation di Majlis Perjanjian Kerjasama Pintar Penajaan Public Bank Berhad untuk Program Eco-Schools Pahang bersama Green Growth Asia Foundation Dr. Balamurugan Ratha Krishnan, Ketua Eksekutif GGAF, menyatakan optimisme beliau mengenai kerjasama ini, dengan menyatakan, “Kerjasama hari ini antara GGAF dan Public Bank Berhad, bersama dengan sekolah-sekolah dan Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) masing-masing, mencerminkan komitmen bersama kita untuk membimbing generasi yang tidak hanya memahami kepentingan kelestarian tetapi juga memberdayakan pemuda dalam tindakan individu terhadap iklim.” Ahli PIBG berkongsi keghairahan mereka terhadap program ini, menekankan impak potensialnya terhadap kehidupan pelajar. “Saya percaya kerjasama ini dan program Eko-Sekolah merupakan peluang utama untuk membimbing generasi muda di sekolah dalam pendidikan perubahan iklim dan pengurangan pelepasan karbon,” kata Prof. Dato’ Dr. Shankar Sayapathi. Kerjasama antara GGAF dan PBB berjanji untuk menjadi satu kuasa peneraju dalam membentuk generasi yang lebih hijau, lebih berpengetahuan, dan bertanggungjawab. Melalui usaha bersama mereka, mereka memastikan bahawa pelajar tidak hanya belajar dari buku teks tetapi juga memperoleh kemahiran praktikal yang membolehkan mereka memberi impak positif kepada alam sekitar dan masyarakat. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF and Public Bank Berhad Collaborate to Foster Climate Change Education through Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme

Ten schools in Kuantan, Pahang will participate in Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme with focus on financial literacy and responsible consumption. KUANTAN, PAHANG, 21 AUGUST 2023 – In a significant step towards promoting environmental awareness and sustainable education, the Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) and Public Bank Berhad (PBB) have joined hands to empower the future generation with eco-conscious values. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the two organisations to mark this collaboration, which aims to sponsor 20 schools across Pahang, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor as part of the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme. The signing ceremony, held today at SMK (P) Methodist, Kuantan, was attended by esteemed representatives including one Principal and one Parent-Teacher Association (PIBG) representative from each of the 10 participating schools in Pahang. This momentous event not only signifies a shared commitment towards fostering sustainable education but also reinforces GGAF and PBB’s dedication to creating a greener and more responsible future. CAPTION: Note of Collaboration (NOC) Signing Ceremony between Green Growth Asia Foundation, Public Bank Berhad and 10 schools from Pahang for the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme As the national programme coordinator, GGAF brings its expertise and experience in environmental initiatives to the partnership. By coordinating and driving the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme, GGAF is at the forefront of molding young minds to become advocates of sustainability. Public Bank Berhad, a prominent financial institution, has taken on the role of a sponsor and facilitator of the programme. Through funding the sustainable schools programme and mobilising the Eco-Schools Malaysia volunteer programme, PBB demonstrates its dedication to not only the financial well-being of the communities it serves but also to the well-being of the environment. As an integral aspect of this collaboration, PBB and GGAF will co-organise financial literacy modules and workshops centered around sustainable production and consumption. These educational modules will equip students with essential life skills, enabling them to make informed decisions about their finances while championing responsible consumption habits. The curriculum will encourage students to embrace practices such as supporting local products and services, reducing plastic usage and actively contributing to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) initiatives. CAPTION: Speech from Green Growth Asia Foundation’s Chief Executive, Dr Balamurugan Ratha Krishnan at the Note of Collaboration (NOC) Signing Ceremony between Green Growth Asia Foundation, Public Bank Berhad and 10 schools from Pahang for the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme Dr. Balamurugan Ratha Krishnan, Chief Executive of GGAF, expressed his optimism about the partnership, stating, “Today’s collaboration between GGAF and Public Bank Berhad, together with schools and their respective Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs), exemplifies our shared commitment to nurturing a generation that not only understands the significance of sustainability but actively empowering youth in individual climate action.” A PTA member shared their enthusiasm for the programme, highlighting the potential impact on students’ lives. “I believe this partnership and the Eco-Schools programme serve as a prime opportunity to nurture today’s youth in schools in climate change education and carbon emissions reduction,” stated Prof. Dato’ Dr. Shankar Sayapathi.  The partnership between GGAF and PBB promises to be a pioneering force in shaping a greener, more informed and responsible generation. Through their collective efforts, they are ensuring that students not only learn from textbooks but also acquire practical skills that will enable them to make a positive impact on the environment and society. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF, Reneuco Meterai NOC Kerjasama Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim Melalui Program Eco-Schools Malaysia

SMK Seri Pekan menyertai program Eco-Schools Malaysia dengan tajaan Reneuco Berhad PEKAN, PAHANG, 20 SEPTEMBER 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), selaku penyelaras kebangsaan program Eco-Schools di Malaysia, hari ini telah memeterai Nota Kolaborasi (NoC) dalam usaha mengimplementasi pendidikan alam sekitar dan usaha kelestarian di SMK Seri Pekan melalui program Eco-Schools Malaysia. Program Eco-Schools adalah sebuah inisiatif diiktiraf global dalam memperkasakan pelajar untuk mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam membangunkan persekitaran yang mampan dan mesra alam. Program ini telah dibangunkan oleh Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) yang berpusat di Copenhagen, Denmark.  Di bawah perkongsian strategik ini, Reneuco Berhad, sebuah syarikat Malaysia yang menjalankan aktiviti berkaitan pembinaan dan perkhidmatan kejuruteraan khusus dalam segmen tenaga mampan dan utiliti, merentasi pelbagai projek di peringkat tempatan dan antarabangsa, berperanan sebagai penaja bagi program Eco-Schools di SMK Seri Pekan. Reneuco Berhad komited untuk merealisasikan Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNSDG), sejajar dengan usaha Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR)nya. Kolaborasi dengan GGAF menegaskan komitmen Reneuco Berhad dalam mempromosikan pendidikan yang inklusif dan saksama, selain memajukan peluang pembelajaran sepanjang hayat yang menyumbang kepada matlamat pembangunan mampan. Inisiatif ini lebih memperkayakan perjalanan Reneuco Berhad dalam aspek Alam Sekitar, Sosial, dan Tadbir Urus (ESG), memperkuat prinsip sosial yang menekankan hubungan positif dengan komuniti di mana perniagaan beroperasi. Encik Khairil Ikhzan bin Abd Aziz, Ketua Pegawai Kewangan Kumpulan Reneuco Berhad, menyatakan kegembiraannya tentang perkongsian ini, menyatakan, “Kelestarian melalui Kepelbagaian” (‘Sustainability through Diversity’) bertindak bukan sahaja sebagai visi korporat Reneuco. Ia merupakan sebuah kepercayaan yang tertanam dalam budaya syarikat kami serta dalam segala yang kami lakukan. Selaras dengan kepercayaan ini, kami sangat berbangga untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada Program Eco-Schools yang membolehkan kami untuk melanjutkan usaha ESG kami dan memberikan kami platform untuk menanam kesedaran mampan kepada pelajar sejak usia muda.” “Selain itu, sebagai sebuah syarikat korporat yang bertanggungjawab sosial, kami sentiasa menghargai kerja-sama dan ingin memberi kembali kepada komuniti di mana kami beroperasi. Inilah jalan yang baik bagi kami untuk terus terlibat secara aktif dalam pembangunan komuniti di Pekan, Pahang sambil menuruti seruan kerajaan Malaysia untuk mencapai sifar pengeluaran karbon menjelang tahun 2050 dan menyokong inisiatif ‘Pahang Greening Education Partnership 2030’.” Siti Hajar binti Jamal, Penyelaras Program Pendidikan Hijau dari Green Growth Asia Foundation, menekankan peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh pihak berkepentingan dalam pembangunan mampan. “Kolaborasi ini akan membuka peluang bagi pelbagai projek dan inisiatif yang akan membantu meningkatkan kesedaran tentang kepentingan pemuliharaan alam sekitar di kalangan pelajar, guru, ibu bapa, penaja dan masyarakat setempat. Ini merupakan langkah bersama dalam membentuk generasi masa depan yang lebih prihatin terhadap bumi kita,” katanya. Kolaborasi ini merupakan langkah penting dalam mempromosikan pendidikan alam sekitar dan kesedaran kelestarian di kalangan pelajar, serta mempromosikan penglibatan komuniti secara menyeluruh dalam mencipta masa depan yang lebih hijau dan mampan serta mengimbangi kesan perubahan iklim. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF and Reneuco Collaborate to Foster Climate Change Education through Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme

SMK Seri Pekan will participate in Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme with sponsorship from Reneuco Berhad PEKAN, PAHANG, 20 SEPTEMBER 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), as the national programme coordinator for the Eco-Schools programme in Malaysia, is proud to announce the signing of a Note of Collaboration (NOC) with Reneuco Berhad. The collaboration aims to enhance environmental education and sustainability efforts at SMK Seri Pekan, Pekan, through the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme. Eco-Schools, developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a globally recognised initiative that empowers students to actively participate in creating a sustainable and eco-friendly school environment. Under this strategic partnership, Reneuco Berhad, a Malaysian company undertaking construction-related activities and specialised engineering services within the sustainable energy and utilities segment, spanning various projects locally and internationally, will serve as the sponsor for the Eco-Schools programme at SMK Seri Pekan. CAPTION: Note of Collaboration (NOC) Signing Ceremony between Green Growth Asia Foundation, Reneuco Berhad and SMK Seri Pekan from Pahang for the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme Reneuco Berhad is committed to championing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and is aligning this sponsorship with its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. The collaboration with GGAF underlines Reneuco Berhad’s commitment to promoting inclusive and equitable education, while also advancing lifelong learning opportunities that contribute to sustainable development goals. This initiative further enriches the company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) journey, reinforcing the social principle that emphasises positive relationships with communities where the business operates. Encik Khairil Ikhzan bin Abd Aziz, Acting Group Chief Financial Officer of Reneuco Berhad, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating,“‘Sustainability through Diversity’ is more than just Reneuco’s corporate vision. It is a creed that is entrenched in our company’s culture as well as in everything that we do. In line with this belief, we are honoured to be a part of the Eco-Schools Programme which allows us to not only further our ESG efforts but also provide us a platform to nurture sustainably aware students from a young age.” “Additionally, as a socially responsible corporate citizen, we have always valued working with and giving back to the communities we operate in. This is yet another great avenue for us to continue being actively involved in the community development in Pekan, Pahang while simultaneously heeding the Malaysian government’s call to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and supporting the ‘Pahang Greening Education Partnership 2030’ initiative.” Siti Hajar binti Jamal,  Green Education Programme Advocate at Green Growth Asia Foundation highlighted the vital role that stakeholders play in sustainable development. “This collaboration will open up opportunities for various projects and initiatives that will help raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation among students, teachers, parents, sponsors and the general public. A concerted step in shaping a future generation that is more caring towards our planet,” she stated. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in fostering environmental education and sustainability awareness among students, as well as promoting community-wide engagement in creating a greener and more sustainable future. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd Meterai NOC Kerjasama Pendidikan Perubahan Iklim Melalui Program Eco-Schools Malaysia

Dua sekolah di Kuantan menyertai program Eco-Schools Malaysia dengan tajaan Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd KUANTAN, PAHANG, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), selaku penyelaras kebangsaan program Eco-Schools di Malaysia, hari ini telah memeterai Nota Kolaborasi (NoC) dalam usaha mengimplementasi pendidikan alam sekitar dan usaha kelestarian di dua sekolah dari Kuantan melalui program Eco-Schools Malaysia. Program Eco-Schools adalah sebuah inisiatif diiktiraf global dalam memperkasakan pelajar untuk mengambil bahagian secara aktif dalam membangunkan persekitaran yang mampan dan mesra alam. Program ini telah dibangunkan oleh Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) yang berpusat di Copenhagen, Denmark.  KETERANGAN: Majlis Pemeteraian Kerjasama Program Eco-Schools Malaysia bersama Green Growth Asia Foundation, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd bersama SMK Chengal Lempong dan SK Beserah dari Pahang bagi program Eco-Schools Malaysia Di bawah perkongsian strategik ini, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, sebuah kilang pemisahan logam tanah jarang terkemuka menghasilkan produk Oksida Logam Tanah Jarang (REO) untuk pelanggan global, beroperasi dengan komitmen terhadap piawai keselamatan dan alam sekitar moden yang terletak di Kawasan Perindustrian Gebeng berhampiran Kuantan, berperanan sebagai penaja bagi program Eco-Schools di SMK Chengal Lempong dan SK Beserah, Kuantan. Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd komited untuk operasi yang mampan, tanggungjawab alam sekitar dan memupuk interaksi positif dengan komuniti di Kuantan. Kolaborasi dengan GGAF menegaskan keazaman Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd dalam memajukan masa depan yang mampan dan teknologi hijau. Inisiatif ini memperkayakan lagi perjalanan Alam Sekitar, Sosial, dan Tadbir Urus (ESG) syarikat dan memperkuat prinsip sosial yang menekankan hubungan positif dengan komuniti di tempat syarikat beroperasi. Siti Hajar binti Jamal, Penyelaras Program Pendidikan Hijau dari Green Growth Asia Foundation, menekankan peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh pihak berkepentingan dalam pembangunan mampan. “Kolaborasi ini akan membuka peluang bagi pelbagai projek dan inisiatif yang akan membantu meningkatkan kesedaran tentang kepentingan pemuliharaan alam sekitar di kalangan pelajar, guru, ibu bapa, penaja dan masyarakat setempat. Ini merupakan langkah bersama dalam membentuk generasi masa depan yang lebih prihatin terhadap bumi kita,” katanya. Dari kiri: Nadia Waheda Mat Rahim (Guru, SK Beserah), Faizah Tai Abdullah (Guru, SK Beserah), Siti Hajar Jamal (Penyelaras program Eco-Schools Pahang, Green Growth Asia Foundation), Md Isa Mihat (Naib Pengerusi PIBG SK Beserah), Rohayu Syamsudin (Guru Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran, SK Beserah), Mimi Afzan Afza (Timbalan Presiden Modal Insan dan Komuniti, LYNAS Malaysia), Tuan Haji Norhisham Rani (Pengetua, SMK Chengal Lempong), Ir. Ts. Dr. Norizam Sulaiman (YDP Pengerusi PIBG, SMK Chengal Lempong), Zulhilmi (Guru Penolong Kanan Kokukurikulum, SMK Chengal Lempong) Majlis Pemeteraian Kerjasama Program Eco-Schools Malaysia ini juga menyambut kehadiran wakil ketua sekolah dan pemimpin Persatuan Ibu Bapa-Guru (PIBG). Melalui penyertaan aktif dan komitmen yang kukuh terhadap inisiatif ini, kerjasama pihak sekolah menggariskan keazaman mereka dalam memupuk masa depan yang mampan dan kesedaran alam sekitar untuk generasi muda. Kolaborasi ini merupakan langkah penting dalam mempromosikan pendidikan alam sekitar dan kesedaran kelestarian di kalangan pelajar, serta mempromosikan penglibatan komuniti secara menyeluruh dalam mencipta masa depan yang lebih hijau dan mampan serta mengimbangi kesan perubahan iklim. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

GGAF and Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd Collaborate to Foster Climate Change Education through Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme

Two schools in Kuantan will participate in Eco-Schools Malaysia Programme with sponsorship from Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd KUANTAN, PAHANG, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 – Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF), as the national programme coordinator for the Eco-Schools programme in Malaysia, is proud to announce the signing of a Note of Collaboration (NOC) with Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd. The collaboration aims to enhance environmental education and sustainability efforts at two schools in Kuantan through the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme. Eco-Schools, developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) based in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a globally recognised initiative that empowers students to actively participate in creating a sustainable and eco-friendly school environment. Under this strategic partnership, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd, located in the Gebeng Industrial Estate near Kuantan, is a leading rare earths separation plant, producing Rare Earths Oxide (REO) products for global customers, operating with a commitment to modern safety and environmental standards, will serve as the sponsor for the Eco-Schools programme at SMK Chengal Lempong and SK Beserah, Kuantan. CAPTION: Note of Collaboration (NOC) Signing Ceremony between Green Growth Asia Foundation, Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd with SMK Chengal Lempong and SK Beserah from Pahang for the Eco-Schools Malaysia programme Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd is committed to sustainable operations, environmental responsibility and fostering positive community engagement in Kuantan. The collaboration with GGAF underlines Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s dedication to advancing a sustainable future and green technologies. This initiative further enriches the company’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) journey, reinforcing the social principle that emphasises positive relationships with communities where the business operates. Siti Hajar binti Jamal,  Green Education Programme Advocate at Green Growth Asia Foundation highlighted the vital role that stakeholders play in sustainable development. “This collaboration will open up opportunities for various projects and initiatives that will help raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation among students, teachers, parents, sponsors and the general public. A concerted step in shaping a future generation that is more caring towards our planet,” she stated. From left: Nadia Waheda Mat Rahim (Guru, SK Beserah), Faizah Tai Abdullah (Teacher, SK Beserah), Siti Hajar Jamal (Eco-Schools Pahang Programme Coordinator, Green Growth Asia Foundation), Md Isa Mihat (Vice President PIBG SK Beserah), Rohayu Syamsudin (Administrative Senior Assistant, SK Beserah), Mimi Afzan Afza (Vice President People’s & Culture, LYNAS Malaysia), Tuan Haji Norhisham Rani (Principal, SMK Chengal Lempong), Ir. Ts. Dr. Norizam Sulaiman (PTA Chairman, SMK Chengal Lempong), Zulhilmi (Senior Assistant Teacher Co-curriculum, SMK Chengal Lempong) The significant signing ceremony celebrated the attendance of school head representatives and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) leaders, who, through their active participation and steadfast commitment to this initiative, underscore their dedication to nurturing a sustainable and environmentally conscious future for our youth. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in fostering environmental education and sustainability awareness among students, as well as promoting community-wide engagement in creating a greener and more sustainable future. For more information, please contact:T : +(60)122242015 | E : | W :

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